

Jasmin is a second-year Law and Business student at QUT.

Guild Council: Constitution Edition

On Tuesday the 29th of September, the QUT Guild Council met to discuss constitutional changes, the new academic calendar, and the NUS. The official meeting minutes can be found here. The meeting opened at 6:46pm with the following members present in person: …

Vote with Your Dollar: Ethical Investing

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!  So, you’re an advocate for transparent governance, sustainability and ethical production chains? This one’s for you.    If you haven’t heard, Mark McVeigh’s case is making waves in the ethical investing world. McVeigh bought a case against his superannuation…

QUT Guild Council Meeting: A Catch-Up

What happened? QUT Guild held a council meeting on June 22 at 6 pm. The minutes can be found on the QUT Guild Facebook here. Highlights include; appointment of the Guild Health Faculty Councillor, a motion to confirm policies for…

Cocktails, Cupcakes and Uncharted Waters

Our ‘Uncharted Waters’ launch party will feature three themed cocktails and a cupcake recipe if you’re into that. Exams are over and we hope you’re ready to get your creative juices flowing to make some of these recipes! Non-alcoholic options to the cocktails…

Introducing Your Faculty Councillors

What are the Faculty Councillors?    Faculty councillors are members of the Guild council. Two councillors for each faculty are elected by the students of that faculty, the councillors may exercise half a vote each at council meetings on behalf…

Guild News: 2020 AGM

QUT Guild 2020 Annual General Meeting What happened? On Monday 27 March, the QUT Guild held their annual general meeting via Zoom call. Guild secretary, Cameron Mackie, brought a motion to temporarily suspend the standing orders within the regulations to…