Introducing Education Councillor: Zoe Davidson

Hello! I’m Zoe, a double degree secondary education and business student.

About me? Well, I’m an avid coffee drinker- iced lattes in the summer, cappuccinos in the winter. I’m typically enjoying these while listening to Lily Allen’s ‘It’s Not Me, It’s You’ 2009 album or researching why my fiddle leaf fig hates me.

I also love being around people; it’s what makes me happy and I’m sure it’s something to do with the sense of community. Funnily enough, this is central to one of my biggest tips for studying education; collaboration. Working together is so critical to help us, as future educators, develop ideas into plans and plans into achievements. Never underestimate the power of a group chat.

Our end goal as education students is to, ultimately, help people reach their potential. Whether that’s in front of a class or not, we study education because we get that incredible rush seeing others overcome challenges to make a change.

I choose a word every year to carve my year ahead, and 2021 is all about clarity. It’s a hard word to define… But I feel at ease thinking ‘clarity’ is the understanding (or trust) that you’re not always going to have the answer immediately to your problems. Clarity means we let divine intervention ease anxieties and have faith that answers will come.

In terms of my role as a councillor, clarity is so important. When students come to me for support or guidance, they equally come to me for clarity. And I feel that’s something I can really bring to the role- someone in your corner, listening to the details, helping find a path out.

For the education faculty, I’m not interested in pushing my own personal agenda over the needs and wants of my fellow students. Yes, I’d love some free resources to get PEX students set up and look into a collaborative workspace for ideation and theories. With that being said though, this year isn’t about just what I want to see… it’s about what education students want. So, my goal is to become this sort-of empty voice-box where my purpose is to project the key issues students are having and make them heard.

I’m not going to lie and tell everyone that, “I’ve been a councillor for years”, because honey, I’ve been here a hot second. What I will say though, is that I’m a quick learner, I’m a great listener and I do genuinely care about your problems.

How much do I care? Well, I think Lindsay Lohan said it best, “the limit does not exist.”

So, if you have any ideas for the faculty or you’re facing a challenge, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Equally, if you achieve something amazing, or have the best experience in a unit, I would also love to hear this as well!

Zoe Davidson’s best contact for Education Faculty issues is zdavidson (@) qutguild . com

Zoe has been elected alongside Samuel White for the 2021 term. 


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