Good News Bulletin: 6

Welcome to Good News Bulletin 6. We began this newsletter in the first week of staying home, and things are finally starting to seem somewhat normal, however foreign the concept may be. We hope you’ve found some little joys while staying home, and if you like, send them to us! Message The Glass Facebook Page or send an email to to have your good news included in the bulletin.  

Parks and Recreation Charity Episode 

The cast of sitcom Parks and Recreation reunited for a bonus episode to lift spirits during the pandemic. Amy Poehler and her castmates raised $3.5 Million for Foodbank Charity, Feeding America by filming the extra episode after their finale in. The special complies with social distancing measures and takes place over a group facetime with the entire cast.  


Boredom makes You More Creative and Productive 

Staying home and having not all that much to do inevitably leads to boredom. However, new studies show that boredom leads to innovation, productivity and creativity in individuals. psychologists James Danckert and John D Eastwood’s research signals that boredom is here to help us, as it triggers when our brains are not receiving the stimulation they are craving. Boredom puts your brain in an uncomfortable position, and will do anything to get out of it, leading to more creatively divergent behaviour.  


A Shift in Focus 

Australians aged 25-34 have a distinctly different preference to how they spend their money, when compared to their older counterparts. They are preferencing travel over the traditional saving-to-buy-a-home-australian-dream that so many of us hear about. With a lak of affordable houses on the market, millennial aussies are packing up and heading overseas to enjoy their youth. Obviously, travel is off the cards for now, but signals a change in values for Australians in the future.  


WA is a beacon of Hope 

Western Australia has recorded its fourth day with no new Coronavirus cases across the state, raising hopes for elimination across the state. Premier Mark McGowan has expressed that he is proud of his population for the work they have done and hopes that the rest of Australia follows their path.  


Global agreement on track to restore 350 million hectares of land by 2030! 

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) launched the Bonn Challenge in 2011 with the first milestone in 2020. The US surpassed their pledge in 2019 and El Salvador surpassed expectations with 120,000 hectares under restoration with agroforestry and a focus on key protected areas.  


Reader Good News 

I saw a satellite – check out this website and keep an eye out for the international space station – it’s the brightest and easiest to see with the naked eye in Brisbane. – M 

I was having a stressful day but then I took my dog for a walk along the water and it all just faded away. Some time in the open air watching my dog play was exactly what I needed. It left me feeling refreshed and calm for the rest of the day. – S 

I reorganised the communal downstairs space in my share house. It was only taking a few bits of furniture and swapping them, but now I feel much more aligned with my space. – E 

Articles: 120

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