THE BREAKDOWN: Weinstein’s 2020 Conviction overturned, National Rallies against Violence, what’s going on in the Lehrmann defamation case, and are we experiencing a national emergency of violence against women?  

This month was not a one off. Violence against women is insidious and it happens every day. But violence and sexual assault does not occur in a vacuum - it is the result of our social structures, the people in power, the rhetoric that surrounds these conversations, a lack of education, and countless other facets of Aussie society.

Poor Things: A feminist male sex fantasy

In the aftermath of this award season, I can’t help but feel sick to my stomach, and it's not just because of the catastrophic Barbie snubs. No, what makes me abhor this past Oscars ceremony is the Barbie snubs alongside the highly awarded fetishized porno masquerading as female empowerment that was the film, Poor Things. 

Backbone of the economy 

ABC News Australia recently released a snippet of a speech by the Director of the Australian Institute, Richard Dennise, to the National Press Club stating university students are the real ‘backbone of the economy’. *Sarcastically gasps* Like we didn’t already know.