By Kell
To her
To the girl who pushed away the ones who loved her most. You’re a disappointment to your family. You’re a selfish bitch. Your parents didn’t raise you to become the woman you are today. Society doesn’t accept the woman you are today. To her who cares for nobody but herself. Who walked away when things got hard.
The girl who cut people off
who cut herself off
This is to you
To her
To the girl who didn’t know.
The girl who tried her best for the circumstances she was in
To the girl who was destructive in her attempt to escape pain
To the girl who was a bit too hard on herself, to the girl who was unaware
They may never forgive you for what you did
but I do
To her
To the girl who didn’t speak up
The girl who choked, and replaced her no with ‘consent’
To the girl who risked her own safety
and violated her own body in an attempt to avoid offence
The girl that copped it all because she didn’t want to be ‘too high maintenance’
this is to you
and your needs are important
To her
To the girl who is learning every day
The girl who struggles to protect her own heart
The girl who hits herself for making the same mistakes
To the girl who never let go
The girl whose emotions are ‘too much to bear’
this is to you
and you are not a burden
To her
To the girl who struggled to forgive her mother
The girl who strives for her father’s approval
To the girl who subconsciously hurts people
The girl who’s seen as a toxic friend
To the girl I lashed out upon, who I have now come to admire
The girl whose past is filled with fear, drunken nights
isolation and impulsive decisions
You are not unlovable
you are not worthless
you are not too much
This is to you.