QUT Council Undergrad Candidates: Harley Manley

What are the QUT Council Elections? Read about the other candidates here.

Harley’s official candidate statement

“I’m Harley, a reasonably average undergrad, managing a 4.9 GPA, a full-time study load, and working enough to cover rent. I’m running for the undergraduate role on QUT Council because I’m determined to make QUT better for us all. A perfect GPA doesn’t define us or equip us for daily life. What matters is our determination to enact change. I’m devoted to addressing our crucial concerns and to continue my advocacy for genuine change. Together we can build a more supportive and inclusive QUT.”

What do you think sets you apart from other candidates?

What sets me apart from other candidates is my hands-on experience in actively addressing students’ concerns and needs by developing practical and implementable solutions. I have a history of working closely with QUT staff to enhance the overall student experience, which I believe holds immense value.

Moreover, my personal journey as a student at QUT has equipped me with a realistic and grounded understanding of the various facets of student life. While I can’t compare my experiences with those of the other candidates, I believe that my personal insights, coupled with my dedication to improving the student experience, make me a strong contender for this position. I am not just an advocate, but a peer who has navigated the same paths, and I aim to use that experience to represent the student body effectively.

What do you think QUT Council does and what is your understanding of its power?

The QUT Council governs and manages the university, overseeing its affairs, property, and finances. Council members are tasked with ensuring the university’s long-term integrity and viability, guiding its strategic direction, approving policies, and monitoring performance and risk. The undergraduate representative’s role is to bring the students’ perspectives to the table about what the University experience is hoped to be. This significantly ties in with the strategic direction and approval of policies aspect of the role.

 You’re campaigning on a promise to “make QUT student’s voices heard and make the time we spend at QUT a good one”, and also to be a genuine voice and advocate for all undergraduate students. What does this mean in practical terms?  Why is this important to you? Why are you the person to get these things done? Why is this something students need?

My promise means setting up spaces where students can talk openly about what’s bothering them or what changes they’d like to see at QUT. I plan to actively listen to these concerns and bring them straight to the QUT Council. From my time as the Disability Officer, I already have a pretty good grip on the issues students face, not just on our campus but on a broader scale too. But I know the most genuine information comes from chatting directly with students to get their honest feedback on what their experience is like at QUT. I’m all ears to every kind of opinion, because that’s the only way I can truly represent what students need and want.

This responsibility is super important to me because I’ve been in the shoes of someone who found it hard to connect with university life. I know firsthand that the student experience can feel out of reach, especially when it feels like the university isn’t using our tuition fees the right way. I believe that everyone, no matter their background or personal situation, should be able to enjoy their time at QUT without unnecessary hurdles in their path. I stumbled into my role as the Disability Officer kind of by accident, but it has given me a unique view of both the challenges and the awesome opportunities QUT has to offer – although finding them can sometimes feel like looking for a needle in a haystack!

I’m the right person for this role because I’ve seen both sides of the coin. I understand the struggles, but I also have a burning desire to make things better. I’ve got a track record of working with different groups to build consensus and push for positive changes. I’m not here just to fill a position and tick a box; I genuinely want to make a difference.

Students need someone like that in their corner because it’s time to make sure that everyone can make the most of their time at QUT. We need to build a community where everyone feels welcome and supported, and where our feedback actually shapes the way the university operates.

At the end of the day, if I don’t get chosen, I won’t be too upset. I just want to know that the students’ voices have been heard, and the person who gets the role truly represents what the students want. I’m just someone who is eager to help students have a great time while they’re studying at QUT.

Articles: 120

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