Jess Morgan: Candidate for Media Editor

Glass invited all candidates to submit a statement about why they’re running in the Guild elections and why you should vote for them. This statement is being published as received from the candidate.

Voting opens MONDAY 23rd OCTOBER 2023. You can read all candidate statements here.

My name is Jess Morgan, and I’m running with the Peachy team in the Guild elections to be the 2024 editors of your student magazine, Glass.

Peachy is a team of five creative, experienced, and passionate Journalism and Creative Writing students who are excited and motivated to keep student media alive and kicking here at QUT.

I am a Law and Journalism student, and I am currently in the third year of my five-and-a-half-year degree (I know… I’m going to be here forever). If elected, I will be a new addition to the Glass team, but I have been involved with the magazine over the past year and have had multiple articles published both online and in print. I have also been published in QUT’s Scratch That Magazine, done poetry readings for QUT Lit Salon, and been published The Stew Magazine.

I am always on the lookout for new stories and opportunities to publish my work. I write everything from poetry to news articles about Australia’s Endometriosis Crisis, to podcast pieces on the popularity of true crime media, to interviews with country music artists, book reviews, and everything in between.

I have loved words for as long as I remember, and truly believe that storytelling is at the heart of all communities. Having the opportunity to be a part of the Glass team would be a dream come true; it would allow me to keep writing, contributing to a community here at QUT, and be able to provide stories on the issues that students care about most.

As a journalism student, I am constantly learning and working on improving my reporting skills to ensure I am bringing Glass readers transparent, informed, accurate and independent media.

I am passionate about running to be a media editor because I believe students deserve relevant, accessible, interesting, and free media. When it comes to transparency, accuracy, and a passion for delivering quality media, I believe the Peachy team and I are the best for the job.

What can you expect from me and the Peachy team in the future? If you elect us as media editors for 2024, we promise:

  • to continue producing honest and accurate reporting about your student union and your university,
  • more opportunities for student columnists and other students to have their voices heard and publish their work, and
  • to do outreach with QUT students and readers to find out what they care about, what issues they want to read about, and what they want to see/ hear more of from us, to ensure that we are delivering relevant, exciting, and interesting content to students!

Peachy is a hard-working, passionate team of students with expertise and background in journalism and creative writing, who want to bring you the most informed, honest, and transparent student media possible! We believe students’ voices should be heard, and that fresh, exciting, and bold media cultivates community, creativity, and culture amongst QUT students.

If you care about those things too, vote for me, Jess Morgan, and the Peachy Team in the upcoming Guild elections.

Articles: 120

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