I can’t be bothered anymore 

By Jamie Horay 

I sat on my parent’s front lawn in the sun, the morning after I lost my purse, drank my liver silly, and vowed to never consume alcohol again. The constant thought of “well, now I need to get a new licence” played over in my mind as an ant bit my ankle, and I knew my day could in fact get worse. The Sunday Scaries were setting in as I remembered, despite the doomsday weekend I had experienced, I was going to work tomorrow to mingle with annoying, sad souls who I can’t help but become infuriated by whenever they message me “hey”. No amount of rosemary burning could ward off that feeling. 

There are many times in life that I’ve questioned if what I’m feeling is valid or entitled – I have food, a roof over my head, healthcare, the opportunity for education, and loved ones in my life. But being bound to a specific environment because the economic climate continues to tarnish any hopes of financial comfort doesn’t feel right. I know now that work stress is a truly valid feeling and burn out does happen from staring at a computer all day. Is it a sign I may need therapy if I think the solution to a hysterical woman 150 years ago – being sent to the seaside to breathe beach air for three months and sip tea all day – is starting to look good to me right now? Or is it a sign that if I genie appeared in front of me, my only wish would be for Carol to be blocked from using Teams? 

God forbid a young woman navigating the egregious behaviours of men in their 40’s, who seat themselves a little too close to me at 9:23am on a Tuesday morning, is responded to with “you should be grateful you have a job”. No matter how grand, boring, rich, or poor we are as individuals, the universe makes sure we slip into nothing more than being completely obsolete, redundant, and forgotten. So, why am I spending my Sunday thinking about how many emails are waiting for me, when I should really be attending to that painful fucking ant bite?  

Everyone knows how urgent life is – when we’re trying to navigate a narrow footpath stuck behind a slow walker or when Connor from sales needs their client’s request approved before anything else. After nearly four years as a statistic in the corporate regime, I’ve finally discovered that the hustle culture we experience in a 9-5 is none other than a false sense of urgency perpetuated by the insecurities of executive fools who are too far gone.  

And you know what? I can’t be bothered anymore. 

Excerpt #1 from the Diary of the Wicked Witch of Corporate 

Jamie is a QUT student studying a Bachelor of Information Technology whilst juggling the responsibilities of full-time work. She enjoys reading anything from Stephen King, rewatching Gilmore Girls and Grey’s Anatomy multiple times and lighting candles or sage to promote inner peace. If she could retire tomorrow with no worry about money, she would spend her days exploring the world – starting in Europe first and travelling everywhere historic (preferably some original sights where witches were not welcomed!) 


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