Celeste Muller: Candidate for Media Editor

Glass invited all candidates to submit a statement about why they’re running in the Guild elections and why you should vote for them. This statement is being published as received from the candidate.

Voting opens MONDAY 23rd OCTOBER 2023. You can read all candidate statements here.

My name is Celeste Muller, and I’m running with the Peachy team in the Guild elections to be the 2024 editors of your student magazine, Glass.

Peachy is a team of five creative, experienced, and passionate Journalism and Creative Writing students who are excited and motivated to keep student media alive and kicking here at QUT.

Many of you may already know me – you might have read my articles, seen me at events around campus, like Battle of the Bands, or maybe you’ve even provided me with quotes for a story.

I am one of the current Glass editors. I started my term after filling a casual vacancy in October 2022 and was then elected uncontested in the Guild elections later that year. During my time at Glass, I have had the chance to speak to so many students about the issues that matter to them, and I have tried my hardest to publish as many stories about those issues as possible.

I’ve written about period poverty, the negative impacts of mandatory unpaid placements, and how to make friends at uni. I’ve also brought QUT students up to date reporting on issues happening right here at our university, like information about Canvas, problems and successes happening in the union, and I broke the news about QUT You.

As a current Glass editor, I have published 30 articles on our website during my term, and I have designed, edited, printed, and distributed almost 2000 print copies of our magazine across Gardens Point and Kelvin Grove campus. I have worked closely with students, faculty, and Guild professional staff, and formed strong relationships with various outlets here on campus.

I also had the opportunity to attend the annual National Union of Students education conference earlier this year. I attended every day of the four-day conference, and wrote several articles about the important issues discussed by students over the course of the event.

I am not affiliated with any political party, either in my community or here on campus. I have never held any other position on the SRC or have any conflicts of interest to declare. This means I am independent and will report on your elected student representatives without bias or fear of offending anyone.

I’m running for media editor again because I believe in keeping the long-standing tradition of free, accessible, and hard-hitting student media alive at our university, and I believe our team is the best for the job.

What can you expect from me and the Peachy team in the future? If you elect us as media editors for 2024, we promise:

– to continue producing honest and accurate reporting about your student union and your university,

– more student columnists, and more chances for students to get their voice out there both in print and online, and

– interviews and profiles about students doing awesome stuff! Like student entrepreneurs, clubs, design and art students, and students doing ground-breaking research.

Peachy is a team of students who are passionate about student journalism and creative writing, who feel strongly about the importance of informed and accurate reporting, and who value student creativity and opinion.

If you care about those things too, then vote for me, Celeste Muller, and the Peachy team in the upcoming Guild elections.

Articles: 120

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