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Between the Covers – Thomis Bride

By Thomis Bride Avril would watch him beneath the shade of the school jacaranda tree. Marc always nestled himself comfortably between the ridges of roots that pierced the earthen surface, as if the tree itself embraced him. From within the…

It Will End- Georgia Robertson

By Georgia Robertson I’m not much of a maths person, but indulge me for a minute. I will soon complete 4 years of University. I will have completed 32 subjects. In law, that’s approximately 64 pieces of assessment (which is generous).…

Four Simple Self-Care Hacks- Sally Hartl-McWilliam

By Sally Hartl-McWilliam Taking care of yourself during busy times is a tough gig. With assignments stacking up and exam dates looming closer, it can be hard to prioritise self-care. But it’s important you do. Here’s four simple hacks for doing just that.   1. Set realistic expectations  Rather than…

The Power of Activism- Nina Busteed

By Nina Busteed There is something to be said about the inherent power of activism. It is a powerful act when many people stand up for a cause; a physical demonstration may change people’s minds and hearts, and eventually policies and broader societal systems. However, within an activist movement, a different kind of power pulses through…

Shut Up and Listen!- Liam Clarkson

By Liam Clarkson                  TRIGGER WARNING: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE In Year 12, I sat with around 200 other boys in a Brisbane GPS school chapel. A privileged environment, no doubt, but one filled with…

Soap & Water- Mariam

By Mariam Soap and water won’t wash away your guilt  Or the poisonous words you yelled  All the walls around my heart were rebuilt  And now you are expelled 

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