Tione Zylstra: Candidate for Media Editor

Glass invited all candidates to submit a statement about why they’re running in the Guild elections and why you should vote for them. This statement is being published as received from the candidate.

Voting opens MONDAY 23rd OCTOBER 2023. You can read all candidate statements here.

My name is Tione Zylstra, and I’m running with the Peachy team in the Guild elections to be the 2024 editors of your student magazine, Glass.  

Peachy is a team of five creative, experienced, and passionate Journalism and Creative Writing students who are excited and motivated to keep student media alive and kicking here at QUT. 

If you’ve ever googled what to do in Brisbane, you may have come across my name in a byline. I’ve been writing for Urban List Brisbane for around a year now, and I’ve spent that time chronicling the best restaurants, cafes, and events around. It’s not a bad gig, that’s for sure. 

Speaking of gigs, I spend a lot of my time at concerts. I’m a freelance reporter for Purple Sneakers and The Music, two well-known and trusted industry publications, where I review festivals and write feature articles on cool people and projects in Australia. 

When it comes to QUT, you might’ve seen my work published in the most recent print edition of Glass magazine. I’m a third year Journalism and Justice student, majoring in Policy and Governance – so I’ve had my fair share of time here on campus. I’m a frequent customer at KG Dominoes, and an avid coffee drinker (Brewed Awakening is the best, but don’t tell anyone I said that). 

I’ve written pieces on dick-doodling graffiti artists, sixteen-year-olds running their own event management companies (while being insane musicians), and secret shows where you don’t know who you’re seeing till they hop up on stage. My range of interests and articles is broad, but I can promise you, they’re all fun. 

I think university is the best place to learn more about yourself and what you like – cliché as it is. If I was elected as media editor, I promise that I will be writing about the best ways to enjoy your time at university without breaking the budget. Glass is such an awesome (and free!!!) publication that students can and should use to their advantage, and I’d love to help make it even better. 

What can you expect from me and the Peachy team in the future? If you elect us as media editors for 2024, we promise: 

  • to continue producing honest and accurate reporting about your student union and your university, 
  • to bring back Battle of the Bands, providing student musicians with the opportunity to play in front of a real, live crowd, and the chance to win an awesome cash prize, and 
  • articles from me on how to live your best life during this cozzie livs! I’m a broke uni student too, but that shouldn’t stop us from having fun. 

Peachy is a team of students who value honesty and transparency, who are passionate about student journalism and creative writing, and who care about keeping community and culture alive and breathing at QUT. If you care about those things too, then vote for me, Tione Zylstra, and the Peachy team in the upcoming Guild elections. 

Articles: 120

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