Meet Your: Media team 2024!

Your media team ran on the Peachy ticket in the 2023 Guild elections. The team consists of Celeste Muller, Ben Steele, Jacinta Rossetto, Jess Morgan, and Tione Zylstra.

Peachy is a team of students who are passionate about student journalism and creative writing, who feel strongly about the importance of informed and accurate reporting, and who value student creativity and opinion.

See our blurbs below to get to know each editor.

Celeste Muller: I am the current Editor-in-Chief of Glass. I am a final-year Journalism and Economics student. I started my term after filling a casual vacancy in October 2022 and was then elected uncontested in the Guild elections later that year. During my time at Glass, I have had the chance to speak to so many students about the issues that matter to them, and I have tried my hardest to publish as many stories about those issues as possible.

I’ve written about period poverty, the negative impacts of mandatory unpaid placements, and how to make friends at uni. I’ve also brought QUT students up to date reporting on issues happening right here at our university, like information about Canvas, problems and successes happening in the union, and I broke the news about QUT You.

I’m chose to run for media editor again because I believe in keeping the long-standing tradition of free, accessible, and hard-hitting student media alive at our university and in our communities.

Ben Steele: You may know me as the fool who was screaming into the microphone at Battle of the Bands, or from reading my insights on AI and porn piracy in the pages of Glass.

I am a final-year Journalism and Law student. I love the creative communities we have here at QUT, and I love discovering new ones around every corner. I have come across so many talented and incredible peers in my studies and during my time at Glass, and I am really passionate about spreading the word of their amazing work!

I have amassed a range of experiences in media, both in and outside of my work at Glass. I’ve also worked in radio, print, broadcast, and digital media. My diverse experience and contacts have allowed me to bring new ideas and connections to the magazine. As an editor, I have been responsible for web design, graphic design, and being a part of the team that brought you the Battle of the Bands.

Jacinta Rossetto: I am a third-year student at QUT, studying a Bachelor of Creative Writing and minoring in Journalism. My passions include spending my money on tattoos, stretching myself into awkward positions and calling it ‘yoga’, and listening to Hozier’s discography on repeat.

I first realised I loved writing when I got excited about having to do essays and short stories in primary school, when everyone around me dreaded them. I’ve been looking for more ways to engage with other students on campus while building a positive community at the same time, and I think Glass is the perfect opportunity for me to do just that.

I currently write a student column for Glass called ‘Ritualistic Self Caring’, which details my experiences with various cheap and rewarding self-care practices and how to apply them to your own life. I have also been published in ForgeWorld, a local zine run by Amy Crow at Forge Forward.

I decided to run to be a part of the Glass team for 2024 because I am really passionate about building a sense of community among students and other creatives, which is the same reason I started my own zine, Dawn Street Zine. Getting involved with student magazines is an important step in creating community on campus, and I am really excited about the idea of being able to contribute to that atmosphere this year.

Jess Morgan: I am a Law and Journalism student, and I am currently in the fourth year of my five-and-a-half-year degree (I know… I’m going to be here forever). I have been involved with Glass over the past year and have had multiple articles published both online and in print. I have also been published in QUT’s Scratch That Magazine, done poetry readings for QUT Lit Salon, and been published The Stew Magazine.

I am always on the lookout for new stories and opportunities to publish my work. I write everything from poetry to news articles about Australia’s endometriosis crisis, to podcast pieces on the popularity of true crime media, to interviews with country music artists, book reviews, and everything in between.

I have loved words for as long as I remember, and truly believe that storytelling is at the heart of all communities. I am passionate about being a media editor because I believe students deserve relevant, accessible, interesting, and free media. This year, I hope to do outreach with QUT students and readers to find out what they care about, what issues they want to read about, and what they want to see/ hear more of from us, to ensure that we are delivering relevant, exciting, and interesting content to students!

Tione Zylstra: If you’ve ever googled what to do in Brisbane, you may have come across my name in a byline. I’ve been writing for Urban List Brisbane for around a year now, and I’ve spent that time chronicling the best restaurants, cafes, and events around. It’s not a bad gig, that’s for sure. 

Speaking of gigs, I spend a lot of my time at concerts. I’m a freelance reporter for Purple Sneakers and The Music, two well-known and trusted industry publications, where I review festivals and write feature articles on cool people and projects in Australia. 

I’ve written pieces on dick-doodling graffiti artists, sixteen-year-olds running their own event management companies (while being insane musicians), and secret shows where you don’t know who you’re seeing till they hop up on stage. My range of interests and articles is broad, but I can promise you, they’re all fun. 

I study Journalism and Justice, and I think university is the best place to learn more about yourself and what you like – cliché as it is. I plan to bring you the best ways to enjoy your time at university without breaking the budget, and to give you the lowdown on what’s going on all around the world. Glass is such an awesome (and free!!!) publication that students can and should use to their advantage, and I’d love to help make it even better. 

Articles: 120

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