Meet your: Engineering Faculty Councillor – Samantha Burbidge!

Hello, I’m Sam and I will be one of the Engineering Faculty Councillors for 2023. I am from a small town in northwest Queensland called Hughenden and currently, I am studying Chemical Process Engineering and Biology. For the past five years, I have been involved in many university roles including clubs such as ‘Women in Science’, ‘Women in Maths’ and the ‘Chemical Engineering Club’, volunteering my time with ‘QUT Connect’, working as a Student Ambassador and representing the student cohort in the ‘Student Sexual Harassment and Assault Working Party’.

In 2023, I will be in the penultimate year of my dual degree in a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/ Bachelor of Science at QUT! 

I am an incredibly motivated student and believe in giving back to the community. As someone who has spent four years at university, I can attribute most of my successes, whether big or small, to my peers, who have been the people who have helped and supported me the most. I want to return the favour by making changes that will help my peers in their academic journey by advocating for support services that I and others want to see. 

Faculty Councillors support students by advocating for issues voiced by students to the Executive Committee and the Guild Council regarding their respective student bodies, and ensuring that Guild information is circulated to students.  

The Guild supports the Faculty Councillors by providing up-to-date and relevant information for the councillors to distribute to students. However, as Engineering Councillor is a relatively new role within the Guild, I would like to see additional support from the Guild regarding encouraging and promoting services as well as the planning and setting of goals and strategies that will make a real difference to students’ specific to the Faculty of Engineering. 

I want to create and contribute to an environment where students can feel comfortable communicating challenges, any changes that are affecting them or any improvements that students want to see within the Faculty of Engineering. I believe that doing so will improve the university experience for students.  

Articles: 120

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