Good News Bulletin: 1

Theres a lot of bad news out there right now, and it’s easy to feel absolutely bogged by it. We’re feeling the effects of bad news as much as you are, so we thought we’d combat it with some good news to report on to help you feel a bit better.  

Read below for a few highlights of hope. We’ll be posting good news as often as we can, so stay tuned.  


Yale University’s “The Science of Well-Being” course is being offered for free online for anyone who wishes to take it. You can enrol at Coursera if you feel like filling your free time with a bit more study.  


Industry Pivoting 

Dyson is making Ventilators to help with the COVID-19 outbreak. The ventilator, named CoVent, was developed within a week and 15,000 units have been donated to hospitals in the UK and around the world.  


Gin Distilleries are making Hand Sanitiser to help meet demand. Distilleries across Australia are creating high-quality hand sand sanitiser, with over 60% ethanol, to work with the public and hospitals. Bundaberg Rum has pledged 100,000 litres to the Queensland Government to distribute across their hospitals.  


Environmental Effects 

One in three Queensland homes has solar panels. That’s almost 600,000 homes! Overall, over 20% of Australia has some form of solar, which is making a big difference in Australia’s transition away from fossil fuels.  


Elon Musk has developed a battery backup for use in South Australia. With 48% of the state’s electricity supply coming from wind farms, the state was hit with two tornadoes in 2016 which caused sustained losses of power. Accusations that renewable energy was to blame caused Musk to start a bet that he would find a renewable solution. His plan to create a backup solution to his wind farms was successful. His battery is made of Tesla PowerPacks and will help stabilise the South Australia power grid and save the state tens of millions of dollars. 


Vegetation is growing back in the aftermath of the 2020 Bushfires. The above photo is from the central New South Wales coast and shows how resilient Australian flora can be, even after such a devastating bushfire season.  



Cub Sport put together a video with dozens of Australian musicians singing a cover of “Untouched” by The Veronicas as a response to the widely memed Imagine Cover in America. 


Brisbane’s Pub Choir transitions to Couch Choir and rallies 1000 people to sing Close to You by the Carpenters. The video is up on YouTube now and we’d recommend putting it on and having a boogie in your living room. 



Yoshi, the Loggerhead turtle swam from Cape Town to Australia, following 20 years in captivity after she was found with a damaged shell. Her journey home has excited scientists, as it provides new data on turtles and their sense of navigation and home. She swam approximately 50 kilometres a day and swam a total of 37 000 km 


RSPCA’s across Australia have been inundated with requests to foster animals while they are quarantined at home. This has not only minimised the time shelter staff are working during the virus outbreak, it also allows foster pets to enjoy some company outside of the shelter.  


We sincerely hope the above articles brought you that much needed positive energy. In times like this, it’s important to focus on what you can control. You can control the media that you’re consuming even though social media may be flooded with bad news. Have a read through these articles and give yourself a break from other news if you need it.  

Check back in every Monday for more good news!  

Articles: 127

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