QUT Phonebook: A List of Resources to Help in Semester One 2021

Happy O-Week! To all the first years, welcome! To all the existing students, here we go again.

The QUT phone book is a list of resources that we at the QUT Guild wished we knew about as first years. This was a collaborative effort from the QUT Guild for you to bookmark and reference throughout the semester. There’s plenty of resources and assistance available to you, and you should know about it! This list is by alphabetical order.

Academic Misconduct and Misconduct 

Academic Misconduct is plagiarism, collusion or cheating on Academic work at QUT. Misconduct is breaking the QUT Code of Conduct. If you are accused of either of these throughout your degree, there is support available from the QUT Guild Academic Advocacy. 

Technical information from QUT on academic misconduct can be found here. 

QUT App 

QUT has an app on both the Apple store and the Google play store. It is free to download. It includes a calendar, live bus timetable updates, access to E-Student and Blackboard, your class schedule, course progression information, grades information, maps of each campus, a goal GPA calculator and more. Find more information here. 

Academic Transcripts and Proof of Enrolment  

You may need to access your academic transcript for a job or Centrelink or an internship, and you can access it for free here. 

Career Advice

QUT offers a bunch of support and training to help you with your future career. This includes workshops, modules, and individual coaching. Find out more here.


ThQUT Guild’s website provides a full list of clubs and societies.  There’s something for everyone! Find more information here. 


Students qualify for a lot of discounts! Yay for us! One of the most prominent discount sites is Unidays for online shopping, however, carrying your ID Card with you will open up a bunch of in-person discounts, such as discounts at cinemas and retails stores. Some places that offer notable discounts for students are Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Squarespace and Spotify. 

Translink offers a 50% discount for students (full-time only) if you register your enrolment to your Go Card.  

The L-Card, run by many of the Queensland Law Societies, also has a significant number of discounts for local venues.  

The discount of 10% for student fees has also been brought back, however, you can only get this discount if you pay upfront, not if you defer to HECS/HELP, which Glass recognises is not possible for a majority of students.  

Equity Access Plans 

If you have a disability, chronic health or mental health issue and require assistance throughout your studies. This plan provides accessibility support for assessment, learning and on-campus requirements throughout your degree. More information can be found here.

Facebook Student Groups 

There are a fair few Facebook student groups for QUT Students. The most notable is the QUT Stalkerspace 2.1 Group, historically a meme page but a good one to be a part of. 

The QUT Guild also offers a collection of QUT Related Facebook Groups, with faculty groups, parent groups, postgrads and HDR groups and more. 

Financial Literacy 

Many students leave high school and are met with a bunch of costs and minimal financial literacy, as it is not taught very holistically in highschool. Resources for managing your money include the MoneySmart Website, a government resource with tips, budgeting help and financial calculators.

QUT has the Student Financial Assistance Scheme (SFAS), which is short-term emergency financial assistance for QUT students.


The Guild operates two food banks for students who may be struggling with food insecurity. To access the Kelvin Grove foodbank, go to C201 and ring the bell to be let in. For Gardens Point, email foodbank@qutguild.com to be given the passcode. That foodbank is in X block, the second door on the right out of the elevator. For any help, email studentrights@qutguild.com 

LGBTQIA+ Support 

The QUT Guild representative for Queer students on campus is Amy Sargeant who can be reached at queer@qutguild.com 

QUT Guild Queer Collective is a dedicated group for providing resources and events to Queer QUT students. They also run advocacy campaigns.  

There is also a Queer room on both campuses, and the Kelvin Grove room has been recently refurbished. More information can be found here.  

Mental Health 

QUT Counselling offers ongoing mental health support, although waitlists can be long. This counselling is free and confidential and is available on campus. Find more information here. 

The Australian Government also has a mental health care plan, that is covered by Medicare, which now qualifies you for 20 sessions with a mental health professional via rebate. These plans need to be prescribed by a GP. Find more information here.  

Mental health also qualifies you for an Equity Access Plan in some instances. See more information above at Equity Access Plans.

Medical & Student Counselling Services. 

QUT has a medical centre on each campus, which is free for QUT students. Find more information here.


The QUT app has a map of both campuses. See QUT App for more.  

Note Taker Program 

The note taker program is designed for students who are unable to take detailed notes in class, due to physical or mental health conditions. Students can also be paid to take notes for their peers who are unable to take notes themselves. Find out more information here. 

Postgraduates – Higher Degree Researcher (HDR)

The Postgraduate representative at the QUT Guild is Nikka Turangan, who advocates for HDR students and also manages the Postgraduate Collective FB Group.

Information on applying to HDR courses can be found here.

QUT Guild

Straight from the About Us Section: “What is the Guild? For some of you, we are the people that bring puppies onto campus, to others we are the ones that got you out of a pickle with your assignment or maybe, we are just the people that gave you a free diary. There are a number of layers to the QUT Guild. The Guild exists purely to make your university experience the most engaging, active and enjoyable it can be. Our activities are guided by students who are elected each year to represent YOU as a student. We are a not-for-profit organisation that puts all of our money that we make from our commercial services as well as any additional funding, back into helping students. So when you purchase something from The Botanic Bar, The Grove, The Corner Store, The General Store or Australia Post on campus, know that you are also helping out a fellow or future student! We are also all about everything outside of the classroom; from events to clubs and societies, free food to volunteering opportunities. We offer free advocacy, legal and tax help to assist you when needed. What makes us most important though, is that we are independent from QUT. This means that we have your interests and yours alone at heart and represent students on all-important university committees to ensure your voice is heard on all university matters. So how do you become a member of the QUT Guild? If you are a QUT student, you are automatically a member of the QUT Guild for free. If you need support, we are here for you.”

Find out more about the QUT Guild Here. 

Religious Support 

QUT has a multi-faith chaplaincy, and for Muslim students, there are dedicated prayer rooms on both campuses and a facilitated Juma’a at Kelvin Grove. More information can be found here. 

Respect & Safety at QUT 

QUT has put together an online Respect and Safety training that has all the information on support systems in place for discrimination, harassment, and bullying. You can access this information here.

If you are seeking immediate help, please contact QUT Equity Services on 3138 5601 or equityenq@qut.edu.au. If you are afraid for your safety or the safety of others, call QUT Security on 3138 8888 or use the QUT SafeZone app. 


QUT has a significant number of scholarships, for merit, equity and more. These can be in the form of a bursary, money towards fees and more. If you require assistance, you should apply to all the scholarships that apply to you. Find and browse scholarships here.


QUT has dedicated security on both campuses to help keep you safe. There is the SafeZone app, which is for reporting and information. The QUT Security can respond to incidents, walk you to your car or bus stop after hours and more. Find more information here.  


There are a few options for sport at QUT. The QUT Guild offers social sport, basketball, dodgeball, netball, soccer, touch and, volleyball. Find more information here. 

QUT also offers a sporting program, including higher-level sport, aquatic swim-training programs, and e-sports. Find more information here. 

Training Courses and Extra Learning

QUT Guild offers a First Aid and CPR course. These courses are available throughout the semester at a competitive price and are great for students going on prac, working with kids or just those wanting to know what to do in an emergency. Find more information here. 

Beyond your studies, there is a tonne of options available for expanding your learning for free. Open University Australia offers a lot of free courses in a wide variety of study areas, and include a free certificate of participation. Khan Academy is free and is a reputable learning source to supplement your studies or help you understand a certain theory. The QUT Library provides access to LinkedIn Learning.  

Tutoring and Extra Help with Classes 

While private tutoring is available, QUT offers a lot of support for getting extra help for your classes. The Student Success Group is a platform created by QUT to assist with early intervention for students at risk of disengaging from their studies. Usually, SSG will contact you, but more information can be found here. 

QUT also offers academic help and assistance workshops and sessions throughout the semester. These workshops include; Academic writing support, Workshops: Researching and referencing, Spoken communication support and Maths, science and IT support. Check them out here. 


We hope that this has been helpful to you! If you think there’s something else we should add or correct, please email us! Enjoy your semester, and always reach out for help and support when you need it!

Em Readman
Em Readman

Em Readman is a writer from Meanjin who lives in Boorloo. She has been published in Aniko Press, the Suburban Review, Bowen St Press, Baby Teeth Arts, and others. They were an editor of Glass Magazine in 2020 and 2021, and won the 2022 Blue Knot Foundation Award with the Hunter Writer's Centre.

Articles: 64

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