Hey candidates, send us your policy statements

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GLASS will be accepting policy statements from the 2019 Guild election candidates and will compile them into a snazzy looking section on our website. We’ll get the full list of candidates from the Returning Officer after nominations close and candidates will be listed in a randomised order under the position they’ve nominated for. Do you want to stand out? Send us a statement!

Here’s what to send us

  • Your name (the one you nominated with)
  • The role you’ve nominated for
  • The group you’re running with (if there is one)
  • Policy statement (300 words maximum)
  • One URL (a social media profile, your group’s public page, etc)

If you send more than 300 words, we will only use the first 300 words.

Submissions will only be accepted from your student email, and must be sent to media@qutguild.com before the deadline (below) with the subject “candidate policy statement”. If you send it from a different email, we will ignore it as there is no way to confirm it’s you.

Send us your information before midnight (23:59) Sunday the 3rd of November if you want yours to be included.

Important information

We will not modify or deny any statement. Therefore, we cannot stop you from breaching elections regulations. The Returning Officer, who is basically the referee for the election, will not be reviewing these statements prior to publication on GLASS, but they are able to exercise their powers as the RO and penalise breaches of the regulations.

If you are unsure, read the election regulations here. The relevant bits are not very long![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Articles: 127

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