Hey there!
The whirlwind of the QUT Guild Elections are finally over for 2019 and we are your new provisionally elected Glass Editors for 2020. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to vote online. We are really excited to get started and you’ll be seeing a lot more from us in the new year!
We have so much in store for GLASS in 2020 and are working hard behind the scenes to bring that to you all in Semester One. But for now, here’s a little bit of an intro to your editorial team:
Em Readman
Likes: Gang of Youths
Dislikes: When people don’t do “the wave” when I let them in on the highway
Degree: Bachelor of Business (PR)/Bachelor of Fine Arts (Creative & Professional Writing)
Coffee order: Flat white
Jess Perkins
Likes: Lots of cups of tea, the beach and house plants (which I kill too frequently for something I love)
Dislikes: When I spend my whole day looking forward to my almond chai latte and the barista accidentally gives me full cream milk
Degree: Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Laws (Hons)
Coffee order: Chai Latte on almond milk
Jasmin Graves
Likes: Travel and getting out of my comfort zone
Dislikes: Slow walkers and when my house plants die
Degree: Bachelor of Business (Accounting)/Bachelor of Laws
Coffee order: Soy latte with an extra shot
Ashleigh North
Likes: Old photos and difficult questions. Ye olde bodice-ripping sapphic dramas.
Dislikes: Apathy. In most cases, apathy did it (not hate).
Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts/Bachelor of Laws (Hons)
Coffee order: I want to say espresso, but it’s always a hazelnut cap … and it’s always getting spilt.
Persis Lok
Likes: A steady rhyme and rhythm (like life), alliteration and revelations of life (think long walks and deep talks).
Dislikes: Overly sweet bubble tea, distastefully sour kimchi and careless, uncivil conflict.
Degree: Bachelor of Creative Industries (Creative Writing minoring in Journalism and Entertainment).
Coffee order: A toasty chai latte
Keep an eye out for more online articles in the coming weeks and submissions opening soon for GLASS in print in Semester One. Swing us a follow on our Instagram and email media@qutguild.com if you want to get in touch with us.
We can’t wait to work with you all.
Em, Jess, Jasmin, Ashleigh and Persis