Submissions are open for Issue 11: RESET

Submissions are open for our next issue! The theme? RESET.

Theme Prompt:

Reset/renewed/altered/amended/reworked/rectified/improved/start anew

Does it really feel new? Or is it an iteration of the same thing over and over and over?

What made you put your foot down? Tell us what the breaking point was. We want to hear about the things that made you re-evaluate your thinking process. What was your cultural reset moment of 2020?

A reset can come from deep inside yourself, or it can be a domino effect of the world around you.

Is a reset starting fresh? Or is it turning back to old habits – bad and good.

Send us your best work surrounding the theme ’reset’. You can interpret it as loosely or stringently as you like!


Please read our submission guidelines here. It explains our style, content and length requirements for submissions. As always, if you have any questions, contact and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Submissions close on the 14th of February, 2021.

Submit here!

Articles: 127

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