We are thrilled to announce that our 9th issue, Grit and Glitter, is here online! After a smashing launch at the Grove Bar last Friday, the digital version is now live and ready to read.
By the numbers:
70 pages
34 contributors
14 poems
10 nonfiction pieces
8 visual artists
5 stories
4 editors
1 (very talented and patient) graphic designer
We are so grateful to everyone who worked on this issue. We couldn’t even hope to do something of this magnitude alone, and the people who were involved in this project are nothing short of amazing. To everyone who contributes to and reads Glass, you are the reason we do what we do.
Read online here or pick up a copy at the Grove Bar, Botanic Bar, QUT Guild Offices, Brewed Awakening or the QUT Guild KG Advocacy Offices.