QUT student Dylan Griffths revealed to Glass that The Courier Mail altered quotes from him for an article regarding the take down of a QUT Facebook group.
Mr Griffiths said the article misrepresented his beliefs and that messages between himself and The Courier Mail journalist Nic Darveniza show he had been misquoted.
“Dylan Griffiths told The Courier Mail he wasn’t okay with some of the more targeted posts at his expense but had been supported by the group,” the article read.
“I never said this,” said Mr Griffiths.
In messages between the student and Mr Darveniza, part of Mr Griffiths’ provided quote said that “even if I wasn’t okay with some of the content posted at my expense, all it would take from me is a quick message to an admin to take down and block any offending posts.”
Mr Darveniza was approached for comment.