5 TV Shows You Need to Watch Before Semester 1 Comes to an End

If you lied to yourself about catching up on study in the Mid-Semester Break (I did), then you’re most likely going to want to enjoy that slump for a little longer. What better way to confront the overwhelming backlog of lecture recordings than to completely immerse yourself in a TV show? Keep reading for a selection of my binge-worthy favourites.  

Sharp Objects  

Sharp Objects was Gillian Flynn’s second novel I read (yes, I was one of those girls who fell in love with Amy Dunne) so naturally I was elated when HBO released their trailer for the showEverything from the spitting dialogue, to the raw and unapologetic emotion of Camille (Amy Adams)and the Preaker manor’s old-moneyMissouri feel was a fun rideIf you’re into questionable journalism techniques and small-town crime – this one’s the one for you. P.S you could definitely smash out the 8 episodes in one night.  

Anne with an E 

Yes, I’m talking about Anne of Green Gables except this time she’s played by Amybeth McNulty who does a fantastic job at encapsulating Anne’s spirit. The series does deviate from the original books, but I love it for deciding to explore broader issues (even though some critics have had an issue with Anne’s commentary on social justice). It’s one of those you’ll love it or hate it shows so make sure you give it a chance if you want a break from docuseries. 

What If 

Another one you could potentially finish in one night – 10 episodes and no boring bits. What If is sort of…unbelievable but it’s literally the drama that keeps you going. If you love Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada and Georgina from Gossip Girl then you’ll become addicted to Renee Zellweger’s intense dialogue and questionable approach to business and relationships.  


I’m not going to delve into the politics of which Generation was the best. But can we all agree that we can’t let Skins be forgotten? If you’re already missing your pre-isolation life, revisiting Skins will definitely make you hate yourself more for all the times you said ‘no’ to going out. If the wholesome messiness of the show isn’t nostalgia enough for you then at least don’t let the soundtrack go to waste.  


Whilst everyone was busy drooling over Tiger King (don’t worry – I will explore that soon) I dove into the mini-est of the miniseries I have mentioned. Unorthodox follows the story of Esty’s rebirth as an independent woman, and is based off Deborah Feldman’s memoir, Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots. I enjoyed the back and forth between past and present tense as well as the insight into the Orthodox community in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.  

If none of my recommendations were ‘news’ to you then you must have very good taste in TV shows. Just kidding. Hopefully my list had something that piqued your interest. Were my recommendations absolute rubbish? Don’t be scared to send in your own. I love constructive criticism.   

Anahita Ebrahimi
Anahita Ebrahimi
Articles: 8

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